Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II)

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) free online test, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) is one of the most famous scales in the depression self-rating scale, and is widely used in depression psychological test screening. The entire depression test scale includes 21 groups of questions, each with 4 statements. The tester can choose the option statement that best suits him or her based on his or her recent feelings. Through the depression test, you can quickly understand whether you are depressed and how depressed you are.

Introduction to the tool

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) free online test. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) is one of the most famous depression scales and is widely used in depression psychological testing and screening. The entire depression test scale includes 21 groups of questions, each with 4 statements. The test taker can choose the option statement that best suits him/her based on his/her recent feelings. Through the depression test, you can quickly understand whether you are depressed and how depressed you are.

This scale is completely free to test and view the results. Please answer the questions carefully before submitting. Please read each test item carefully, make sure you understand the meaning clearly, and then choose the option statement that best suits you based on your actual feelings in the past 2 weeks. The scale test results are for reference only.

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Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) rating

Score value Rating
0~13 May not be depressed
14~19 Possible mild depression
20~28 Possible moderate depression
29~63 Possible severe depression
Note: The standard score range is 0~63.
Scores in the range of 0~13 indicate that there is probably no depression.
Scores in the range of 14~19 indicate that there is probably mild depression.
Scores in the range of 20~28 indicate that there is probably moderate depression.
Scores in the range of 29~63 indicate that there is probably severe depression.