Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ)

Bipolar Disorder Test Scale - Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) Free Online Test. MDQ is used to screen for bipolar disorder (manic depression). This scale is currently the most commonly used bipolar disorder screening scale in the world.


Bipolar Disorder Test Scale - Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) Free Online Test. MDQ is used to screen for bipolar disorder (manic depression) and mainly includes 13 items. This scale is currently the most commonly used bipolar disorder screening scale in the world. For the screening of bipolar disorder, in addition to screening through a special bipolar disorder scale, it can also be combined with the mania screening scale and depression screening scale. If there are both manic symptoms and depressive symptoms, the possibility of bipolar disorder needs to be considered.

Test Instructions: This scale is completely free to test and view the results. Please answer the questions carefully before submitting. Please read each test item carefully, make sure to understand the meaning clearly, and then choose the option that best suits you based on your actual feelings in the past two weeks.

Since the scale is only an auxiliary screening tool, the scale test results are for reference only.

Score Reference results
0~6 points No bipolar disorder
7~13 points Possible bipolar disorder
The score range is 0~13.
Within the range of 0~6, there is no bipolar disorder.
Within the range of 7~13, there may be bipolar disorder.
The higher the score, the more severe the symptoms.