Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS)

Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) free online test. YMRS was compiled by R.C.Young in 1978 and is mainly used to assess manic symptoms and severity. It should be noted that this scale is a heterosexual rating scale and needs to be assessed by professionals.

Scale introduction

Young's Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) free online test. YMRS was compiled by R.C.Young in 1978 and is mainly used to assess manic symptoms and severity. It should be noted that this scale is a peer-assessed scale and needs to be assessed by professionals. Since this scale involves many options assessed by professionals, if you need to do it, please combine your actual situation, imagine yourself in the scene at that time, and then make a choice.

Score explanation

Score Reference results
0~5 No manic symptoms
6~12 Mild manic symptoms
13~19 Moderate manic symptoms
20~29 Severe manic symptoms
30~56 Extremely severe manic symptoms
The score range is 0~56.
If the score is in the range of 0~5, there is no manic symptoms.
If the score is in the range of 6~12, there are mild manic symptoms.
If the score is in the range of 13~19, there are moderate manic symptoms.
If the score is in the range of 20~29, there are severe manic symptoms.
Scores in the range of 30 to 56 indicate extremely severe manic symptoms.
The higher the score, the more severe the manic symptoms.