Free gif image creation and editing

A free online tool for creating and editing gif animations. Multiple images can be synthesized into gif animations. Text watermarks and image watermarks can be added to gif animations. The size and playback speed of gif animations can be adjusted. The gif animation can be decomposed and edited again.
{{addingFile?"Loading image":"Add image"}}{{fileList.length==0?"":"("+fileList.length+")"}} Clear
Add text
Add image
Background color
Default delay per frame (milliseconds, 1 second = 1000 milliseconds)
{{processing?processPercent:"Generate GIF"}} Preview Download
Drag and drop an image here or click to select
Supported formats {{imageExtArr.join(", ")}}
GIF image settings
Watermark Settings
Add text
Add image
Background color
Default delay per frame (milliseconds, 1 second = 1000 milliseconds)
Drag images to sort images


A free online tool for making and editing GIFs. Multiple images can be combined into GIFs. Text and image watermarks can be added to GIFs. The size and playback speed of GIFs can be adjusted.

GIFs can be decomposed for secondary editing.


  • You can add, delete, and sort each image.
  • You can set the delay time for each image.
  • GIFs can be decomposed into multiple images.
  • You can set the size of GIFs.
  • You can set the background color of GIFs.
  • All operations are performed in the local browser, without uploading images to the server, which is convenient and fast.
  • Most importantly, this tool is free.